Steve Gigliotti

Steve Gigliotti
Board Member

Steve grew up in Pittsburgh and worked in the coal mines while at the University of Pittsburgh studying Mining Engineering. He also received an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh. Steve took a promotion with the Department of Labor and moved to Northern Virginia in 1989 and recently retired.

Steve has been country dancing since 2010 and has been going to Colvin Run since December 2021. He enjoys West Coast, East Coast, two step, night club two step, country waltz, pattern dances, hustle and a few lines dances. “I have always thought that dancing was a good way to meet nice people and a sneaky way of staying in shape.” In addition to dancing, Steve enjoys going to the gym, doing projects around the house, skiing, playing volleyball, golfing, gardening and volunteering at a local charity. “Colvin Run is a very unique place with a great history including the original front door! It is a great organization that attracts very nice people.” For these reasons, Steve joined the Board and wants to contribute wherever he can.

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